Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Posted On Feb. 2008 (Multiply)
(Our piece in the english speech choir when I was in high school(4th year-Saint Luke)to all my classmates...San Lukas.....!Gahuuut!!!!Sent Look da best...

"We are the true young warriors of God unite and fight as one thats why we the lukas is the best among the rest" W.H.N.

Our nation is in economic crisis.It is surrounded by putrid politicians and some mischievous citizens.It is threatened because of a very frustrating economy and because of this,more and more people are influenced to do criminal things,just to survive a single day,Who's to be blamed?Is it just the depraved government leaders and the destructive citizens of our nation?or...All of us citizens in this country?Is our hope running thin towards justice,peace,unity and love?Who is going to save this time of darkness?
Close your eyes and prepare yourselves for the birth of an heroic creature made by God!

Days of darkness,reign of terror,fiascos,devastation of mother earth...These should be over!Enough is enough!

Released by the cage of ignorance awakened by the cruel realities a new breed of allies,stronger than Superman,wiser than Batman.Super Inggo portrayed by youthfulness ,fresh from innocence.Have no fear!NEwly sprouted.Equipped with courage and determination,bestowed by God from the heavens above.Arise!Arise!Young warriors of God!

We believe,that we the young warriors are the saviors of this nation.But how can we be the heroes of this nation if most of us are engaged in drug addiction,premarital sex and immorality.Can we still save our country?when the fact is,it is us who should be saved from the cage that we're in.When will we start coming out of the shellthat trapped us from our responsibilities as a youth?The sands of time have been running out and we have to rise now!

We stand now!From the blink of destruction.The cries of war echoes from the wind.Heroes like us are badly needed to change the society that is corrupt.A society that little by little destroys our being and put us in agony.Aren't we tired of this?We are so full of endless suffering and pain!Let us see,listen and speak.We must not let ourselves fall from temptation and sins that destroy our being.

She is crying in deep pain.The pearl of the orient seas turns black because of how her people abuse her and how her brethren fought against each other for greed and power!

Think of tomorrow.If we won't act now,this suffering would be infinity!We are the hope of our nation and we can still be!It's us who must save our country from deep fall.Each one of us must work hard and unite as one!

Drugs and different casualties,put them into trash.Love,peace,unity and joy plant them in our hearts.Feed our hungry minds with knowledge and wisdom.Fill our stoned hearts with love and care,our dying soul with faith in God.Dont let our future be stolen from us!

We are given wonderful talents and gifts from God.Each one of us is given intellect and proper will and with that we must use them for good to be our weapons against the evil!

We are here to ensure our future,to teach the world that we no longer need weapons of destruction to fight and defend each other.The hope for the future generation has always resided in youthful hands and guided by the hands of our Creator.Fellow youth!Tara Lets!Tara tara Lets,di kana mabibigo...!We are the young warriors of God!unite and fight as one!

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