Friday, August 10, 2012

A New Hope For 2011 (blog from Multiply)

From Multiply
Posted on Jan 17, '11 5:42 AM 
(only my part)
Don’t Fail the Pinoys
     Former president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo has called on President Benigno Aquino III not to disappoint the Filipinos who are hoping for change under his term.

     In a report posted at the cbcpnews website, the archbishop said that it’s high time for politicians to serve the people for common goal and welfare, order and harmony of the governed who are the Filipino people. He also asked prayers for the incoming administration and other newly elected officials that they will remain true to their commitment in serving the public. (Story by John Frances C. Fuentes) 
Don’t equate Sacraments with money 
     Instead of bothering themselves on the expenses on what are the foods to prepare during baptismal and wedding, Catholics should bear in mind that receiving that sacraments should be the first consideration as members of the Catholic Church and not the expenses equated with occasions of receiving the sacraments. (Story by John Frances C. Fuentes)
On Catholic Education: Prayer, not an extra option
     Teaching prayer in Catholic schools should not be considered an extra feature, but an essential part of the institutions that children should receive.
     Archbishop of Armagh and Private of All Ireland Cardinal Sean Brady said that children right to be led and formed in authentic worship to God in the catholic tradition to be promoted and respected.

     The cardinal also encouraged Catholic schools to focus their attention not on excellence in academic or sporting activities but also to excellence in worship. (Story by John Frances C. Fuentes)
Archbishop Capalla: Moral Poverty exists
     Apart from the temporal or worldly poverty seen in the Philippines, people have to also look and be wary of the Philippines of moral poverty.
    During his homily on the Mass the officiated at the St. Francis Xavier College Seminary (XACOSE) on occasion of the feast of St. John Marie Vianney, Archbishop Capalla told concelebrating priests and seminarians present that moral poverty manifests in people who lose their sense of sin. (Story by John Frances C. Fuentes)
Vocation: a gift, a commitment
     The celebration of the month of vocations this September has deemed it right and fitting to emphasize the importance of vocation as a gift and as a commitment.
     “Vocation is a gift because it is God who calls us to priesthood or religious brother or sister cannot claim any right to it,” said the former manager and editor in chief of DC Herald Fr.Rusell Bantilles during an interview. (Story by John Frances C. Fuentes)
Decency required
     “The clothes make the man or woman”
     This adage, according to Archbishop of Davao Fernando R. Capalla would best speak that in every occasion, public or private, formal or informal requires a proper dress code especially if one is attending the Eucharistic celebration- a solemn and sacred occasion.
     The Archbishop that both ministers and the faithful and required to show proper decorum in liturgical celebrations. (Story by John Frances C. Fuentes)
Wencesa H. Nuera
HCDC Intern

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